Vegetarianism & Ecofeminism

The visual which accompanied this week’s readings is of a little faceless presumably male chef, similar to the Pillsbury Dough Boy, this dough boy is carving a piece of meat and another knife stabs the uncut part of the meat, to beat a dead horse. The connection between that of the visual and the readings from Eisenberg, Curtin and Gaard are the similarities between the oppression of women and the oppression of animals specifically in a patriarchal food chain, and how men perceive both women and meat. 

According to Curtin, one such example of the connection between women and meat and how men perceive both is how each can be sexualized or used to stroke the male ego,“the connection of women and animals through pornographic representations of women as ‘meat’ ready to be carved up” (Curtin), which perfectly describes the visual for this week. Also, in the article by Eisenberg, one study showed that simply the availability of a meat dish after “a threat to [a man’s] masculinity… lowered their anxiety back to the level of an unthreatened group.” This connection, in my opinion, highlights the need men feel to hold tightly onto their masculinity through the nutrition of meat and its perceived symbol of manliness, and also the nurture of a woman, which often crosses a line into the oppression of said women, which intersects within ecofeminism to bring the discussion full circle. 

Another phenomena about men and women when it comes to eating habits is that food is gendered, and it’s based in some truth- typically, men are expected to order the steak or a burger, and women are often expected to order a salad. “This visual paints the picture that plant food is for ladies, and perhaps cows, but men? Not so much. For many men, meat is an inarguable symbol of masculinity. We’ve been fed this idea for decades. If you are what you (m)eat, and you’re a man, then you eat meat” (Eisenberg). Women are oppressed by a patriarchal society which body-shames them and uses propaganda to control the narrative of what foods women should and should not eat, “the experiences of women in patriarchal cultures are especially valuable because women, more than men, experience the effects of culturally sanctioned oppressive attitudes toward the appropriate shape of the body” (Curtin). In almost every way, women face oppression from men and male gendered aspects from the food we eat to the workplace. 

This oppression women experience is not so different from the oppression we put nonhuman animals through everyday. Whether its a domesticated animal or an animal raised in captivity, as humans we perceive ourselves as the top of the food chain (although put me in an African safari with a pack of hyenas and i’m sure I would quickly fall to the bottom of that food chain) and so we believe it is up to us to make decisions for nonhuman animals in many ways. This is extremely similar to the patriarchal society, especially our government, in the ways that it controls women, one example being the struggle for the right to bodily autonomy.  “Zoo animals also experience powerlessness, as do most other nonhuman animals who are powerless at the hands of humans, who hold life-or-death decision making power over them on multiple levels” (Gaard, 20). This connection is central to ecofeminism since women and nature are both oppressed by men. Ecofeminism where vegetarianism intersects is interesting in Curtin’s essay about what we are willing to count as food. Curtin begins by highlighting the fact that vegetarianism is a form of “moral obligation that results from rights that nonhuman animals have in virtue of being sentient beings” (Curtin). This perspective is a humane and ecofeminist one because it is inclusive of the rights of nonhuman animals and the cruelty and oppression that they face in order to satiate the never ending human hunger and over consumption. ‘Moral vegetarianism’ which Curtin is committed to, does not exclude all instances of meat eating such as in the case of life or death for herself or a loved one. As someone who eats meat myself, I do not condemn meat eaters or the eating of meat as protein because I was raised on it, but instead something that resonates with me which Curtin writes about is the Ihalmuit people whose terrain does not allow for them to forgo eating meat, so their tradition is to thank the animals whom they hunt and kill as a ‘gift’ of a meal for them. In the modern capitalist world, not many of us witness the entire process of the meat which we consume. This sort of desensitization has led to an over consumption of meat and further separates and oppresses the nonhuman animal as things to be used by humans.

Understanding Place

The central point of the readings from this week is meant to make us aware of the innate connection humans have with nature and how as humans we have lost touch and must realign once more. Homesteading as a way to live off of the land and to grow our own food for health reasons or other. Many women in the story by Shana Tiayo experienced a sort of natural healing through the act of homesteading. A lot of the reason why we have become so out of touch, in general, is tied to the fact that “more than half of all humans now live in cities. The natural habitat of our species, then, officially, is steel, pavement, streetlights, architecture and enterprise—the hominid agenda,” -Barbara Kingsolver. Especially the Great Migration of black agrarian southerners and the effect this had on them, since “industrial capitalism was not simply changing the nature of black work life, it altered the communal practices that were so central to survival in the agrarian south” (Hooks, 366). We don’t have to move to a farm or buy 10 chickens to be able to reconnect with nature, though. Planting a garden and consuming home- grown produce, etc is enough to make a lasting change.

The “place” which informs who I am the most would be the beach. Although I am not the most avid beach-goer of my friends and family, I have always known salt water. The town I grew up in, Scituate MA, has 5 beaches (Minot Beach, pictured above). Today, although I traded south shore beaches for the north shore Revere Beach, I can’t help but notice how at home I feel living by the water and how the salty air here reminds me of home. “Each of us belongs to a particular landscape, one that informs who we are, a place that carries our history, our dreams, holds us to a moral line of behavior that transcends thought. And in each of these places, home work is required, a participation in public life to make certain all is not destroyed under the banner of progress, expediency, or ignorance” (Williams, 19). Revere Beach has come a long way from the days of being a tourist attraction, complete with a roller coaster, to a more reserved and nature centered public space. I noticed while walking the beach this past summer that a stretch of sand was taped off. The sign posted informed me that it was protected for bird mating. Considerations such as these, even though it seems small in the grand scheme, add up to balance the ecosystem. It is our duty to protect the other inhabitants of this planet, human or otherwise, to ensure the natural order of the ecosystem continues to run smoothly as God intended. “I believe that spiritual resistance- the ability to stand firm at the center of our convictions when everything around us asks us to concede- that our capacity to face the harsh measures of a life, comes from the deep quiet of listening to the land, the river, the rocks. There is a resonance of humility that has evolved with the earth. It is best retrieved in solitude amidst the stillness of days in the desert” (Williams, 17). This all being said, I agree with Kingsolver that “wilderness puts us in our place,” in the way that it gives us perspective of just how little the things we stress over like paying the mortgage, or which gym we hold a membership to, really are compared to the worries of a wild and beautiful bobcat who loves its life for the simplicity of it all. I think this reminder is one that we as humans can benefit from manifesting since we have turned away from the natural jungle, and embraced a concrete one instead- causing us to lose touch with not only nature, but eachother.

What is ecofeminism? (continued)

Women in the global south are more disproportionately affected by environmental degradation than their western counterparts. Women’s access to natural resources such as water is threatened in the global south by western ideals and specifically, a phenomenon called “biopiracy” (coined by Indian physicist and social activist Vandana Shiva) which refers to stolen indigenous science and common knowledge for capital gain, and which affects people in developing countries who do not have the same privilege to resources such as clean, running water and even naturally growing plants, which we take for granted in the West. In an interview with Scott London, Shiva offers an example of this. “Pesticides made from the neem tree in India are patented. There is now a patent restricting the use of an herb called philantis neruri for curing jaundice. An even more blatant example is the use of turmeric for healing wounds, which is something every mother and grandmother does in every home in India. Now the Mississippi Medical Center claims to have “invented” the capacity of turmeric to heal wounds.” This is reminiscent of the ideals which Gandhi fought for when the British tried to create salt monopolies in India. Gandhi famously said of salt, “Nature has given us this for free, it was meant to sustain us, we will not allow it to become a monopoly to finance the Imperial Army.” Shiva’s current battle against the monopolies who threaten ecology and the freedom of the use of nature for all is a resurgence of Gandhi’s satyagraha– which translates to “struggle for truth” as a direct defiance of cooperation in a growing capitalism dominated ecological system. Navdanya, an organization promoting biodiversity conservation and food sovereignty founded by Shiva stresses that, “all humans have a fundamental right to ecological, economic and political security, to the protection and defense of their resources, their livelihoods and production and consumption patterns shaped by people through their participation. Biodiversity provides the basis of livelihoods of the marginalized majority – of women, peasants, tribals, fisher folk. Biodiversity offers the potential to overcome poverty and powerlessness.” The perspective of ecofeminism from a Western perspective, although aligned in some ways, has many differences to the non- Western perspective. From the Western perspective, Hopgood- Oster emphasizes the symbolic connections between the oppression of women and nature and defines women as “closer to nature” than men which can be counteracted through writing and policy change. On the other hand, Agarwal focuses on the material conditions, economic structures, and political inequalities which stem from ecofeminism and the oppression of women and nature and the role of capitalism (the West) through the fight for land rights, water access, and sustainable agriculture as threatened by globalization and which can be counteracted by environmental justice movements. The two agree, however, that the environmental oppression of women stem from patriarchy which exploits women and nature alike. Both women advocate for sustainability, equality and justice, and that women especially in marginalized communities, bear the brunt of environmental degradation. I believe that the non- Western perspective of ecofeminism as described by Agarwal is more compelling and offers a more clear visual of just how detrimental western practices can be to the environment and how the male dominated control of women and nature must be dismantled if we are going to heal nature and support women who in turn populate our planet and are responsible for nurturing not only our children, but our planet as a whole. A thought I would like to conclude with is a point made by Vandana Shiva’s interview with Scott London in which India has surpassed the West by having a female head of state, a fact that I think is important to think about going forward as we talk about women and nature being dominated by men and how this might be reversed if more women see parity with men on a global scale.

What Is Ecofeminism?

Ecofeminism, as explained in the readings from this week, in my opinion ties directly to a piece of artwork created by Judy Chicago called “The Dinner Party” in which a banquet table is set with 39 place settings in honor of women throughout history. Each plate symbolizes the power of women in all forms physical, spiritual and reproductive. The tie between women and nature is obvious through her intricate place settings as organic and uncompromising cogs in the wheel of life which is seen across all walks of life from plants to insects, to nonhuman animals to human women alike. Only women hold the power to reproduce, and “The Dinner Party” is a beautiful tribute to the female species of not only humans, but all species which are blessed with the ability to create from themselves. Women and nature have been systemically oppressed by a male majority history, which we have witnessed throughout multiple eras of societal and technological advances. “Oppression of the natural world and of women by patriarchal power structures must be examined together or neither can be confronted fully”(Hopgood-Oster, 1). Ecofeminism highlights the connection between life and the oppression experienced specifically by women under the thumb of the male species. Judy Chicago honors the female role in creating and sustaining life, and the environment. An example from nature that I would like to emphasize in this explanation is the role of bees and the ecosystem. The role of the “queen” bee is essential to the hive, which follows the queen, even if removed from the hive. Without the queen, who is responsible for populating the colony, the bees would be lost, and as a result they would wither and die. Without bees, the earth as we know it would also die since bees are responsible for most of the pollination of plants, which are vital to the ecosystem. Ecofeminism calls for a re-centering of the importance of women, as well as respect for nature. Hopgood-Oster’s work specifically explores the intersections of ecofeminism with storytelling, emphasizing the role of the importance of the creation of life, which is the sole responsibility and possibility of women.  A strong example of the connection between women and nature in literature from an ecofeminist perspective is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this piece of classical literature, a man made attempt at creating life goes horrifically wrong. The story of Frankenstein and the mad scientist who attempts to create artificial life serves as a warning to all of the dangers of the domination of men in their ever expanding audacity to play god. The main character’s attempt to create life from science is a metaphor for the dominance of men over the feminine role of the creation of life by way of artificial means as opposed to the natural order. This concerns me with the new age inventions of AI and human-like robots as it depicts a futuristic interpretation of Frankenstein not with morbid use of human body parts and lightning, but with the intelligence of human consciousness and sentience. This example embodies the need for the male species to dominate the role of women and the environment, as well as the role of god. The end result for the mad scientist behind Frankenstein ends in destruction because it violates the laws of nature. The male species should not only respect the role of women, but take caution in their pursuit of domination of women and nature to avoid real life disasters as prophesied through works of literature or examples of the natural order, such as the man made result of the extinction of such species as the Kauai O’o bird from Hawai’i.,on%20a%20gothic%20ecofeminist%20spectrum.

Introduction Blog

Hi everyone, my name is Megan King and I’m a graduating senior this semester at UMASS Dartmouth. I’m 27 years old and I live in Boston, I work full time as a bar manager and my major is philosophy with a second concentration in political science. I hope to use my undergraduate degree to pursue a graduate degree in law. I would love to pursue a career in environmental law, or injury law, either way I hope to help people, or our planet.
For this weeks blog, since I am a philosophy major, I chose from the philosophy options, and one blog that peeked my interest was called Will AI Destroy the Academy? |: Cheating with AI. In this article, the author, who has been a philosophy professor since 1993, speaks about how cheating and plagiarism have existed since the conception of academy and language, respectively, and about the problems the “academy” or educational institutions, benefit and struggle with the ever increasing AI technology which has become exponentially available over the last 15 years, and more recently since 2023 when Chat GPT and Turnitin were introduced to the education system. Although cheating and plagiarism, according to this author, have not spiked much with the increase of AI, the concern for combatting it arises since the detection of cheating becomes a problem the more AI advances. At the same time that students and companies are gaining access to this AI, institutions and employers must be willing and able to counter it by accepting and utilizing the same measures to ensure that learning, etc. is original and not the work of AI.
As aforementioned, I am from the Boston area, and as such I have a particular proclivity for the assurance of the well-being of the New England area (not to mention their sports teams). The environmental issue I will mention here is that of the unnatural and rapid heating of, specifically, “the Gulf of Maine (which) has warmed faster than 99 percent of the global ocean”(Fisheries). This is particularly concerning, since our geographical area is warming at a greater rate than anywhere else (and if you know of or are from the area, it is not a warm climate regularly, at least year round). Climate change should be taken seriously, and I hope the Trump administration addresses these issues accordingly, and as such I hope to explore this issue and learn more in order to educate myself and others of the perils of climate change, and global warming.

Fisheries, Noaa. “Climate Change in the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem.” NOAA,

LaBossiere, Michael. “Will AI Destroy the Academy? I: Cheating With AI.” A Philosopher’s Blog, 27 Jan. 2025,